High Holy Days 5782
Dear friends, on August 31, the Congregation Beit Simcha Board of Directors approved the following enhanced safety procedures for Rosh Hashanah. As COVID data can change rapidly, these procedures apply only for Rosh Hashanah. The Board will advise any changes for Yom Kippur no later than Friday, September 10, including whether it is possible to proceed with our planned Break-the-Fast.
1. If you are not feeling well or know that you have been exposed to COVID in the last week (even if you are fully vaccinated), we must with regret insist that you join us only through our registered Facebook stream. Again, please register at 5782 High Holy Days Registration; registration information will be emailed to you this week. We will ask how you are feeling at the door.
2. If you are over the age of 16, and are not fully vaccinated and have not previously had COVID, we ask that you join our services through our registered Facebook stream, above. If you nevertheless choose to attend in person, you must wear a mask at all times when you are in the synagogue. We will ask each person’s vaccination status at the door.
3. We require all fully vaccinated persons to wear a mask in the synagogue except during services when you are six feet from others who are not family members. All rows will be six feet apart. When you take your seats, please rearrange chairs or leave empty chairs in your row to maintain this distance from others in the same row.
4. With regret, we have concluded that we must cancel any post-service kiddush. We will instead offer pre-packaged sweet treats to take away.
5. “Fully vaccinated” means that two weeks have passed since your final vaccination shot (2d shot for Pfizer or Moderna, 1st shot for J&J).
We will come together in awe and contemplation for the High Holy Days at these services:
Selichot, Saturday, August 28, 8pm, Study & Services: “What Do We Owe One Another?”
Rosh HaShanah Eve, Monday, September 6, 6:30pm
Rosh HaShanah Morning, Tuesday, September 7, 9:30am
Kol Nidrei, Wednesday, September 15, 6pm
Yom Kippur Morning, Thursday, September 16, 9:30am
Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor & Ne’ilah, Thursday, September 16, 3pm
Break-the-Fast, Thursday, September 16, 6pm
Beit Simcha members in good standing will receive in-person admission, as will all registered guests. Guests can register at 5782 High Holy Days Registration. The suggested donation is $118 for individuals, $180 for families, with those funds applicable to membership fees if you choose to join. You can also mail your request with a check to Congregation Beit Simcha, 2270 W. Ina Road, Suite 100, Tucson, AZ 85741. We will also stream all High Holy Days services over Facebook Live. Streaming will be available to Beit Simcha members in good standing and all registered guests.